Oil Coolers: An Introduction

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The Importance of Servicing Your Car Hello! My name is Norman and I live with my family in a small town on the south coast of Australia. My son inspired me to start this blog about servicing your car. When my son turned 18, I bought him his first car. It wasn't a brand new car, so it needed a little love and care to keep it on the road. I learnt all I needed to know about auto repair and servicing from my uncle when I was a teenager. He spent a couple of weeks explaining how to look after my car, so I passed this knowledge onto my son. Unfortunately, he didn't listen and his car broke down so I sent him to the local car service centre so he could learn what he needed to know. I hope you like my car servicing blog.



If you're new to auto servicing, you may have heard of oil coolers but don't know what they are or why they're essential. Well, don't worry—you are in the right place. This article will cover the basics of oil coolers and how they can help your vehicle run at its best.

What Are Oil Coolers?

An oil cooler is a device that helps keep an engine's temperature in check by cooling down the oil used in an internal combustion engine. It consists of a heat exchanger with two separate pipes connected to it. One pipe carries hot oil from the engine, and the other carries cold water or air for cooling. The heat exchanger dissipates heat from the hot oil into either the water or air, which is then circulated back into the engine. So, essentially, it works like a radiator for your car's motor oil.

Why Are They Important?

Oil coolers are essential when it comes to keeping an engine running at optimum temperatures because it prevents excessive heat buildup that can lead to serious problems such as damage to critical components like bearings and gaskets, accelerated wear and tear on parts, and potentially catastrophic engine failure. Without an oil cooler, your vehicle's motor oil can become too hot and break down faster than normal, leading to costly repairs down the line.

How Can You Tell If You Need One?

If your car has been running hotter than usual, or if you've noticed that your motor oil is breaking down faster than normal (which you can tell by checking its colour), then it might be time for you to invest in an oil cooler. Additionally, if you frequently drive in extreme weather conditions (such as very hot climates) or use your car for racing or other performance-related activities, having an oil cooler could be invaluable for keeping your engine temperature under control.


An oil cooler helps regulate an engine's temperature by dissipating excess heat through either water or air circulation. It is essential for preventing overheating and excessive wear and tear on critical components of your vehicle's engine system. If you notice that your vehicle has been running hotter than usual recently (or if its motor oil has been breaking down faster than normal), then investing in an oil cooler could be a wise decision for protecting your car's longevity in the long run. For more info about oil coolers, contact an auto service shop today. 

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